MOHA by Charak Rejuvenating Massage Oil 100ml Revitalizarea ,ulei de masaj
  • COD: ACM09

MOHA by Charak Rejuvenating Massage Oil 100ml Revitalizarea ,ulei de masaj

31,49 lei

Această descriere a produsului va fi în curând în limba română!

Rejuvenating Massage Oil does wonders to your mind and body. A calming blend of Jojoba, Almond, Olive, Sunflower and Evening Primrose oils, it gently de-stresses and tones your skin, giving you a healthy, nourished and radiant skin.


    • De-stresses and tones up the skin giving it a healthy glow
    • Relieves fatigue, aches, stiffness and pain
    • Calms the nerves, rejuvenates the mind and body
    • Promotes deeper and better sleep.

    Key ingredients:

    • Almond oil - It protects skin by acting as an emollient and a skin softener. It help spromote a clear and youthful complexion.
    • Olive oil -  It helps to create a moisture-rich environment that allows skin cells to rejuvenate and repair. It is rich in Vitamin E and it helps to improve your skin’s suppleness and elasticity thus, making it softer and smoother.
    • Evening primrose oil - It is rich in linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids that help to restore youthfulness, skin tone and elasticity.
    • Jojoba oil - It is enriched with Vitamins E and B complex which tones up the skin and also reduce inflammation
    • Sunflower oil - It moisturizes and soothes the skin. It retains skin moisture, provides a protective barrier and prevents skin damage.

        How to Use:

        • Massage gently till the oil is absorbed. Leave for 15-20 minutes, and then take a bath with lukewarm water.
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